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Hong Kong Dance Company "Retrospect and Prospect"

Online Programme


Have you ever stopped at the glance of a poster, one that grabs your attention and makes you stare and ponder?

Carrying the efforts and aspirations of choreographers, directors, designers and photographers, posters are the first to connect us with the creative team, pushing open a tiny window for us to peek through. At other times, posters open a door for us to ponder what the performance would be about. A glance at a poster might lead us to step into the theatre to personally experience the fascination of performing arts.

In 2021, the Hong Kong Dance Company steps into her 40th anniversary. We hope to take this chance to look back at the posters from our previous works, to reexperience the power of dance. Selected works include posters from Triptych, Hua Pi - Ghost under a Beauty's Skin and Jade Love from the 80s, Rouge, The Magic Lotus Lantern and Temptation of a Monk from the 90s, The Song of the Earth, The Border Town, and Qingming Riverside from the 00s, and recent works such as The Legend of Mulan, Storm Clouds, and L'Amour Immortel.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to the many authors, playwrights and publishers for allowing us to use their original works in creating our stellar dance performances in the past 39 years.